Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today, I Am Thankful

Thankfulness is a gift of peace and joy. It's a gift that you give to yourself. When you are thankful, you are thinking less of "what's wrong in my life" and more of "what's right in my life." It creates a mindset that will influence your present and your future.

For many, the process of being thankful does not come easily. We are used to being worried and busy. We are devoted to the distractions, always looking for more, better and not really appreciating where we are presently. We are scared to slow down and think or rest. Thankfulness causes you to slow down, relax and calm your anxious self.

Thankfulness is a reflection of what is good and right in your life, right now. It can recharge you, energize you and strengthen you is some unusual and amazing ways. The sister of thankfulness is appreciation. Appreciation is a present moment tool that helps you to build a stronger future. "I may not be where I want to be but look at how far I have come."

At the end of the year, a company will take stock of what they have and not what is missing. They use this information to plan the coming year, creating their projections and goals. I encourage you to do the same. Take stock of what you have and use that to plan your goals and aspirations for the coming year.

Don't plan your life based on your weaknesses, plan your life based on your gifts and strengths. Work with what you have, what you can do and where you are right now. Start from there and move forward. Take an inventory (like companies do) of what you have to work with. Take a look at the richness that is in you. Take a moment and be thankful for it all. That moment is good for your soul. Do it often.

Thankfulness is also a gift for others in your world, more than just your family and friends. Thankfulness causes you to be a more pleasant person to be around. It causes you to see things differently. It broadens your vision. You will start to see things that were there all the time but somehow, you didn't notice them. Thankfulness increases your worth as a human being. Take a moment, on a regular basis, and be thankful. It is an investment that will richly reward you and those around you.